PhD in Food Safety and Biotechnology
Belfast, Birleşik Krallık
3 up to 4 Years
Tam zamanlı, Yarı zamanlı
Son başvuru tarihini talep edin
15 Sep 2025
GBP 25.600 *
* EU and international student
Burslar ve fon sağlama
Research degrees vary in length, but typically for a PhD they are three or four years long (full-time) and double that for part-time studies. They follow an annual cycle of progress with formal panel-based appraisals of the progress, the outcome of which is typically practical and academic advice about how to overcome problems encountered and how to move to the next stage. During each year, students are expected to supplement their studies with some tailored courses, ranging from highly specific (e.g. learning to use a piece of apparatus or technique) to generic (e.g. developing oral presentation or leadership skills). Every stage is supported by the supervisory team, augmented by an independent panel of progress monitors as well as the full support of the Graduate School.
Assessment processes for the Research Degree differ from taught degrees. Students will be expected to present drafts of their work at regular intervals to their supervisor who will provide written and oral feedback; a formal assessment process takes place annually.
This Annual Progress Review requires students to present their work in writing and orally to a panel of academics from within the School. Successful completion of this process will allow students to register for the next academic year.
The final assessment of the doctoral degree is both oral and written. Students will submit their thesis to an internal and external examining team who will review the written thesis before inviting the student to orally defend their work at a Viva Voce.
Program Sonucu
Learning Outcomes
Lisansüstü araştırma derecesi, profesyonel bir akademik denetim ekibinin rehberliğinde, genellikle bir veya daha fazla ekibin laboratuvarında sunulan laboratuvar olanaklarını kullanarak bağımsız araştırma yapmayı içerir. Öğrencinin kendi fikirlerini geliştirmesi ve bunları deneysel ve teorik olarak test etmek için gereken yöntemleri öğrenmesi beklenir. Bu genellikle hem laboratuvar (veya saha) becerilerini öğrenmeyi ve uygulamayı hem de ilgili konuda güçlü bir teorik arka plan geliştirmeyi içerir.
Pratik çalışmaların yanı sıra, literatür taraması ve eleştirel değerlendirme, yazılı ve sözlü iletişim ve akademik ağ kurma gibi bağımsız akademik bursun tüm faaliyetleri bir araştırma derecesi sırasında geliştirilecektir. Bağımsızlık ve yenilikçilik güçlü bir şekilde teşvik edilecektir, ancak öğrenci düzenli bir gözetim rehberliği ile desteklenecektir. Ayrıca, özellikle Lisansüstü Okul tarafından desteklenen, hem konu özelinde beceriler hem de genel becerilerde çok çeşitli dersler sunulacaktır.
Students are encouraged to interact with one another and with members of academic staff and postdoctoral scientists to build confidence and informal learning, through a range of ‘research culture’ activities, including peer groups where students get together to discuss topical research papers, or methods, or just chat about their interests.
Program Öğrenim Ücreti
Kariyer fırsatları
Queen's postgraduates reap exceptional benefits. Unique initiatives, such as Degree Plus and Researcher Plus bolster our commitment to employability, while innovative leadership and executive programmes alongside sterling integration with business experts help our students gain key leadership positions both nationally and internationally. Career prospects in the biological sciences are exceptionally good. To some extent, it depends on the specific topic, of course, but laboratory-based and especially quantitative skills and the proven innovation of a PhD or MPhil are highly sought after. Degrees are very much in demand, both in commercial science and public sector research and development (e.g. drug discovery and development, crop and animal improvements and welfare, sustainable agriculture and resource use, human nutrition and health, animal health, ecological management, food safety and technology, scientific communications, regulation, and many more fields).
Employment after the Course
Mezunlar profesyonel araştırma bilimcileri, danışmanlar olarak çalışmaya devam ediyorlar veya ticaret ve hükümette teknik ve alt düzey yönetici pozisyonlarında görev alıyorlar.